Network monitoring and security solution with a built



GlassWire v3.0.476「超美型」防火牆、網路流量監控統計工具

2022年12月4日 — 第1步 安裝好並開啟GlassWire 軟體,可以在「Graph」分頁看到目前電腦的即時流量高低(網路頻寬使用),預設以黃色表示下載流量、粉紅色代表上傳流量。


2020年10月22日 — GlassWire's free firewall and network monitor helps protect your privacy & security by monitoring your network activity for suspicious activity.

GlassWire v3.3.664 繁體中文版

2024年2月6日 — 有了這款免費軟體,現在當您離開電腦或登出電腦時就不必再費疑猜您不在時,電腦做了什麼事情!只要在「圖像」頁籤下查看那段時間的圖表就可一清二楚。

GlassWire for Windows

GlassWire is a free app that allows you to monitor your Internet connection traffic and the data consumption of the apps you use in real-time.

GlassWire 3.3.630 中文版

2023年11月27日 — GlassWire displays your network activity on an easy to understand graph while searching for unusual Internet behavior that could indicate ...

Compare FortiGate vs. GlassWire Firewall

Compare FortiGate and GlassWire Firewall head-to-head across pricing, user satisfaction, and features, using data from actual users.


GlassWire is a modern personal firewall and network monitor with over 39 million downloads. Download GlassWire free!

Download GlassWire's Firewall Software

Download GlassWire's Firewall Software. Download GlassWire's firewall & network monitoring software to detect and block threats your antivirus missed.

GlassWire Software Reviews, Demo & Pricing

GlassWire is a network monitoring and security solution with a built-in firewall. It provides features such as internet security, bandwidth usage monitoring ...

